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7 years after receiving a kidney from her father, she gets one from mom too!

7 years after receiving a kidney from her father, she gets one from mom too!

Azia Hassan was merely 4 years old when she underwent her first kidney transplant, her dad was the donor. Sadly, by October 2017, that kidney almost failed and it became clear Azia needed a new one urgently and only weekly dialysis would keep her alive.

That’s when her mom Uzma Asghar stepped forward to ‘gift’ her darling daughter one of her kidneys.

She said: “If I can survive with one kidney and Azia desperately needs the other to live as normal a life as possible, why wouldn’t I choose to donate?”

“I had been tested before when she had her first operation, so I knew I was a match. My ex-husband was found to be a better match so he donated his. She will be on medication for life – but that’s OK. Fingers crossed, she can finally start living like a normal 12-year-old girl,” Uzma added.

Azia is now one of only a handful of children to have received a kidney from both parents.

Read full news here: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/girl-12-receives-kidney-mother-11777319

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