Good samaritans jump into action to save a herd of elk that fell through ice

Last Friday morning, a herd of elk accidentally fell through the ice at Palisades Reservoir in Wyoming, right into freezing water. Thankfully, dozens of people rushed to their rescue and pulled each one of the 13 elks to safety.
“I was headed into Jackson to go to work and I noticed a couple cars pulled over,” Dusty Jones told East Idaho News. “I looked off to the left and saw a couple of guys beating on the ice with a herd of elk right there in front of them.”
Jones ran down to the ice and called a friend to bring a chainsaw. There were around a dozen elk in the frigid water, which Jones says measured 8-10 feet deep, and suddenly people started appearing to help.
“Before you knew it, there were 30-40 people there,” Jones said. “We began cutting a little path toward the shore so the animals could walk out but they were so cold they couldn’t move. That’s when we just started grabbing them and pulling them out.”
Read full story here: