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It’s time to ditch your plastic straws for pasta straws!

It’s time to ditch your plastic straws for pasta straws!

With plastic straws getting banned left, right and center, it seems that the world is finally on its way of getting rid of these for good. And while some might think the answer is simply to ditch plastic straws altogether, small children or people with certain disabilities rely on them to drink and even eat.

Now another great news is that pasta is taking over the plastic straw. Yes, you read that right!

Already, a restaurant in Bristol is using these environmentally-friendly pasta straws to cut down on their plastic usage – and more could follow.

Mike Childs, Friends of the Earth’s head of science, told the Sun Online: “We’re seeing a demand on businesses to come up with interesting and innovative plastic-free alternatives. The latest: straws made from pasta.The good news about pasta straws is that, being made from flour and water, they can be added to the compost heap once you’re done with them.”

Read more here: https://www.thesun.co.uk/money/6282028/plastic-straws-replaced-pasta/

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