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Meet the woman spreading Christmas cheer by sending greetings from complete strangers to homeless people

Meet the woman spreading Christmas cheer by sending greetings from complete strangers to homeless people

Erin Schulte began the “Christmas Card Collective” last year when she asked her friends and family members to send her cards that she could pass on to the less fortunate.

After setting a modest goal of 225 cards, Schulte was stunned to receive over 800 letters – so this year, she took to social media in the hopes of collecting even more.

“These are the most words from complete strangers. You don’t know if it’s someone in kindergarten, an 80-year-old lady… it’s just a big beautiful bundle of Christmas spirit and giving,” Schulte said as she sorted through piles of cards.

Needless to say, Schulte received thousands of cards with beautiful messages written on them that she distributed to homeless shelters across Canada. She even sent them to shelters in Los Angeles and Seattle this year.

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