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This entire Indian state is embracing the concept of ‘Green Weddings’

This entire Indian state is embracing the concept of ‘Green Weddings’

Youngsters these days are moving away from the concept of Big Fat Indian Wedding due to the obnoxious amount of money involved — money that young couples would rather spend on themselves than on feeding and entertaining distant relatives. Not only are such weddings extravagant in every sense of the word, they take a toll on the environment too.

Now, an entire Indian state is taking the initiative of promoting ‘green weddings’ as a concept. Kerala, via the Suchitwa Mission, is giving the ‘green wedding’ trend a lot of momentum.

Around 24 weddings in the state between April 2017 and March 2018 conformed to the standards of a green wedding, and among these, 12 were held in Kannur, and 5 in Malappuram.

This year, with the support of local bodies, the Suchitwa Mission wants to ensure that at least 80% of the weddings in Kerala, fall under the ‘green protocol.’

The first step is to omit disposable plates and cups and use banana leaves and steel glasses for the feast. The food that is in excess can be distributed at hospitals, with the rest is turned into compost.

Then come the decorations, which are an important part of any wedding. In this aspect, the way to go green would be to use flowers instead of plastic decorations.

Read more here: https://www.thebetterindia.com/163447/kerala-green-weddings-news/

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