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This grandmom with dementia snuggled up to mall Santa, making him cry

This grandmom with dementia snuggled up to mall Santa, making him cry

Karen Rangel was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2014, but she instantly recognized her all-time favorite Santa when she recently met him at a mall. Karen has been a super-fan her whole life and would even “flirt with him” as an adult when she still lived on her own. She even has a special Santa doll she sleeps with.

“She doesn’t talk too much these days, but enjoys speaking to her Santa doll in Japanese,” revealed her loving family. So, they specially arranged for her to meet with Santa at the New Mexico studio on December 7.

“Every time Santa got close to her, she would nuzzle in and close her eyes as if there was no place she would rather be. It was so sweet and emotional for Santa and our whole staff,” wrote Hartsocks’ Photography on their Facebook page.

Santa held it together through the shoot, but when he saw her walk out the door, he cried.

Read full story here: https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/86-year-old-woman-with-dementia-warms-up-to-santa-and-makes-him-cry/

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