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This Indian teacher crossed rivers and mountains for 16 years to teach students

This Indian teacher crossed rivers and mountains for 16 years to teach students

Meet Ushakumari – an ordinary teacher with extraordinary zeal and determination to impart education to her students, determination that makes her cross a river and treacherous mountains every day in order to reach the school located in a remote tribal area in the state of Kerala.

Ushakumari’s daily journey to the school, begins at 7.30 in the morning, as she rides on her bike to travel till Kumbikkal Kadavu. From there, she rows a boat to reach the shore across and begins another long trek.

After a couple of kilometres, the road to her destination goes steeper into the hilly tropical forest area which known to be inhabited by wild elephants and leopards. With the support of a stick, she, however, carries on, often accompanied by her students who join her along the way to the school.

Despite the 2-hour-long journey through such difficult terrain, Ushakumari has never been late to school in the last 16 years. And not just that – she even takes care of all the other needs of the school and her students, which includes getting them a proper nutritious lunch!

Read more here: https://www.thebetterindia.com/168771/kerala-teacher-rows-treks-tribal-school-inspiring/

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