GBRI Foundation, formerly known as, partners with the United Nations to support its 2030 Agenda

GBRI Foundation, formerly known as collaborates with GBRI for the “Change Begins With Me” Campaign in support of “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda”
GBRI Foundation, formerly known as, partners with the United Nations to support its 2030 Agenda. This collaboration involved joining forces with GBRI for the “Change Begins With Me” Campaign, which aims to promote the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals outlined in the course “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development“.
The Sustainable Development Goals, also known as the Global Goals, provide a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. Consisting of 17 goals and 169 targets, these goals were endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly and its 193 member states. By 2030, the Global Goals seek to address critical global issues such as poverty, hunger, and climate change, among many others.
GBRI firmly believes that education is the first step towards finding sustainable solutions. As an online education provider, GBRI actively supports the UN SDGs through various initiatives as part of the “Change Begins With Me” Campaign. A collaborative effort between GBRI and GBRI Foundation (a non-profit based out of the U.S) with the goal of making a difference in the way we think and act through implementation and execution of the following initiatives:
- Education
- Social experiments
- Hosting projects aligned with the SDGs
- Inspiring all of us to be the change!
Since its launch in August 2016, the campaign has produced multiple educational course videos supporting the UN SDGs which are available for free on GBRI, YouTube, and GBRI Foundation websites. These courses cover topics such as analyzing each SDG, their background, the goal development process, and actionable steps individuals can take to support the SDGs. Additionally, we have a course available in English and Spanish that educates women on adopting sustainable and healthy practices before, during, and after pregnancy.
GBRI is fully committed to supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals through tangible actions. This commitment includes the development of additional videos based on issues of interest identified by the UN, engaging with followers through social media platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn, and participating in social experiments as appropriate, both in India and the United States. As part of this campaign, GBRI has partnered with the Navodaya Old Students Association (NOSA) to co-create educational content for students in grades 1 to 12 in Kerala, India. GBRI co-founder Jeslin Varghese is an alumnus of Navodaya Vidyalaya in Kerala, India, and this partnership aims to benefit future generations by teaching them to be socially responsible global citizens.
GBRI also supports the UN’s mission and the 17 sustainable development goals for another reason. GBRI has set a company goal of Redefining Sustainability. The term sustainability has become a loosely used word that people often associate with just the environment. Truly, the Earth is a very important aspect of sustainability. But to be truly sustainable, you also have to take into account the social (people) and economic implications as well.
The UN Campaign relies entirely on volunteers, and GBRI actively supports its mission by listing work with potential stakeholders to raise funding to reach larger audiences. This campaign is a call to action for everyone. Do you want to partner in this worthy endeavor? Are you interested in translating existing courses or teaching new courses? Are you up for volunteering, sharing technology solutions, or donating? We welcome partnerships with individuals and entities of all sizes, interested in contributing to this global effort to improve the quality of life for people worldwide.
About GBRI
GBRI is an American Institute of Architects (AIA) Education Provider and a U.S Green Building Council (USGBC) Education Partner. Its mission is to make sustainability, health & wellness resources affordable and accessible to everyone across the globe. GBRI offers a wide range of sustainability courses covering topics such as energy, water, LEED certification, net-zero buildings, green schools, energy modeling, daylighting, BIM, biophilia, and health and wellness. In addition, they offer NATA, LEED Green Associate, LEED AP, and WELL AP exam prep materials. Their three-part video course on Sustainable Development Goals is approved for 3 Continuing Education (CE) credits for AIA and LEED professionals.
Media Contact:
Jeslin Varghese
Phone: 210-858-7783