Eco-conscious college grad designs edible instant noodle packaging to eliminate plastic waste

Instant noodles might be considered a quick and easy meal by many, but the plastic packaging it comes in takes forever to decompose. This thought bothered Holly Grounds no end, so she came up with an ingenious replacement for the single-use plastics used to package instant ramen noodles.
Grounds, who studied product design at Ravensbourne University London, is responsible for developing an edible, spiced packaging film for instant noodles.
“In the current world of instant ramen noodles, there is often more plastic than noodle,” Grounds wrote on her website. “The product can be cooked and eaten in under 10 minutes, yet the packaging can take 8 decades to decompose.”
After countless hours of trial and error testing, Grounds managed to simultaneously do away with both the plastic noodle sleeves and the single-use spice packets by incorporating the seasoning into the biofilm packaging.
While the biofilm is thick enough to keep the noodles from getting stale, it melts into ramen broth exactly one minute after coming into contact with boiling water.
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