Morgan Freeman just converted his Mississippi ranch into a bee sanctuary

Famous Hollywood actor Morgan Freeman recently turned his 124-acre ranch in Mississippi into huge bee sanctuary. The Oscar winner imported 26 beehives from Arkansas to his ranch.
Freeman has been vocal about the need to preserve and revive the declining bee populations.
“There is a concerted effort for bringing bees back onto the planet… We do not realize that they are the foundation, I think, of the growth of the planet, the vegetation,” he said.
Freeman added that he never wears a bee suit or a bee hat and they haven’t stung him yet.
“I have not ever used the beekeeping hat with my bees,” he said. “They haven’t stung me yet, as right now I am not trying to harvest honey or anything, but I just feed them…I also think that they understand, ‘Hey, don’t bother this guy, he’s got sugar water here’.”
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