This vending machine in Indiana provides clothes, blankets to homeless for free

Now here’s a vending machine that doesn’t spew sodas or junk food. Instead, it dispenses items of warm clothing and blankets for homeless people, that too for free!
The pilot program aims to help provide warm clothing for anyone in need in Muncie, Indiana, all they have to do is register for help at Bridges Community Services.
The vending machines don’t take money, just tokens provided to those who truly need them.
The latest homeless count says that there are as many as 200 people without a permanent residence in Delaware County.
“We know that they are out there. Some are in shelters, some are in different living situations,” said Karee Buffin with the Bridges Community Services Fund. “We really want to use something like this to reach out to people. It does demonstrate that our community cares.”
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